During last night’s Late Show, Stephen Colbert debuted the first installment of a brand new segment called “Stephen Colbert’s Who Am Me?”, where the late night character-turned-“real” Colbert sets out to find out who he really is. Stephen decides to start his journey of personal discovery by taking the Myers–Briggs personality test, and it leads to one big realization: “So I have to be myself for people to love me?”
Stephen Colbert Takes the Myers–Briggs Personality […]ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWlobmdgbny0wMSpn56mXZi8ra7Eq6tmrJGgsrR506GcZqWpmr%2B0ecGroKCfo2K9pr7SqKWapJmpxm7AxKyrZqeeYsGpsYylmK2dXai1sMONoaumpA%3D%3D