Kevin Costner took to Instagram to share some thoughts about his upcoming movie Horizon on Wednesday, May 17. The simple photo was his first social media post since his wife of 18 years Christine Baumgartner filed for divorce from him earlier in May. The Field of Dreams actor didn’t address the split from his wife, but he spoke about how excited he was to make the new movie.

The photo was of a black director’s chair with the movie’s title printed on it, seemingly taken in the middle of the desert.  “We’re deep into the production of #HorizonFilm, and I have to tell you, I haven’t felt this way about a movie since we were making Dances With Wolves. Can’t wait to share it with all of you,” he wrote in the caption.

Production on the new movie began after Kevin’s Paramount series Yellowstone ended. While the second part of the show’s fifth season still needs to air, he has moved on to the western, which is in post-production according to IMDb. The film takes place over a 15-year period across settlement in the western part of America, both before and after the Civil War.

Kevin’s wife Christine filed for divorce from him earlier in May. After the split was first revealed, a source close to the actor claimed that his busy work schedule has been difficult for their relationship, according to a report from People. Another insider said that Kevin was “surprised” by the filing, and said that he would get back together with his ex, according to Page Six. After the split was reported, Kevin’s rep confirmed the split in a statement received by HollywoodLife. “It is with great sadness that circumstances beyond his control have transpired which have resulted in Mr. Costner having to participate in a dissolution of marriage action,” they said. “We ask that his, Christine’s and their children’s privacy be respected as they navigate this difficult time.”
