La Reina Isabel II estaba supuestamente furiosa por el nombre de su bisnieta según un autor real que acaba de revivir la pelea entre el palacio y el príncipe Harry/Meghan Markle.
Robert Hardman está llamando falsas las afirmaciones de la pareja real, las cuales sostienen que la Reina era partidaria de que su apodo de la infancia se pasara a la princesa Lilibet, escribiendo en un extracto de su nueva biografía: "Carlos III: Nuevo Rey. New Court. The Inside Story", que ella era la más enojada con esto.
Misan HarrimanEsto respalda la declaración que hizo la correspondencia real de la BBC —Jonny Dymond— poco después del nacimiento de Lilibet el 4 de junio de 2021, la cual afirma que la pareja nunca le dijo nada a la Reina sobre el uso del nombre y mucho menos sobre obtener su permiso para ello.
Otro informe de Daily Mail redobla las afirmaciones del nuevo libro, diciendo que la Reina ya estaba frustrada por no ser dueña de sus propios palacios y pinturas, y solo Harry y Meg podían tomar lo última que poseía... su nombre.
Gallery HARRY y MEGHAN Launch Gallery GettyEl informe cita una fuente anónima que afirma que Liz dijo algo así como: "'No soy dueña de los palacios, no soy dueña de las pinturas, lo único que poseo es mi nombre. Y ahora me lo han quitado".
También se dice que la Reina quedó desconcertada cuando se enteró de la intención de Harry de llamar a su hija Lilibet, pero sintió que no podía decir públicamente que no.
Alexi LubomirskiNo obstante, este nuevo "naming and shaming" es la última puñalada que la pareja le ha dado a la familia real, estamos seguros de que habrá algo nuevo la próxima semana.
Gallery GettyHay que preguntarse si Harry y Meghan se opondrán a esta última afirmación... sabemos que tienden a ponerse muy a la defensiva sobre este tipo de cosas.
- Queen Elizabeth Meghan Markle Prince Harry Family Royal Family Couples Politix Royal Baby
Queen Elizabeth II Was Reportedly Pissed ... Over Harry & Meg's Daughter's Name
1/15/2024 12:40 PM PTGetty/Misan Harriman
Queen Elizabeth II was reportedly furious over her great-granddaughter's name ... according to a royal author who just revived the Palace vs. Prince Harry/Meghan Markle fallout.
Robert Hardman is calling BS on H&M's claims the Queen was supportive of her childhood moniker being passed on to their little girl, Princess Lilibet ... writing in a bombshell extract from his new bio, "Charles III: New King. New Court. The Inside Story," she was the angriest he'd ever seen her over it.
Misan HarrimanThis backs the statement from BBC's royal correspondence, Jonny Dymond, shortly after Lilibet's birth on June 4, 2021 ... stating the couple never said anything to the Queen about using the name -- let alone get her permission for it.
Another report from Daily Mail doubles down on the new book's claims ... saying the Queen was already frustrated she didn't own her own palaces or paintings ... only for Harry and Megs to take the last thing she owned -- her name.
Gallery Harry and Meghan -- Living The Royal Life Launch Gallery GettyThe report cites an anonymous source who claims Liz said something to the effect of ... "'I don't own the palaces, I don't own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they've taken that."
The Queen was also reportedly taken aback when she found out Harry's intention to name his daughter Lilibet ... but felt like she couldn't publicly say no.
Alexi LubomirskiNonetheless, this new naming and shaming is just the latest barb in H&M's continued estrangement from the royal family ... we're sure it'll be over something new next week.
As for the age-old question of what's in a name ... apparently a lot for the late QE2!
Gallery queen elizabeth II through the years Launch Gallery GettyYa gotta wonder if Harry and Meg will push back on this latest claim -- they tend to get pretty defensive over this sorta stuff.
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Meghan & Harry Urged to Speak on Behalf of Charles Re: Renewed Racism Claims
12/2/2023 12:02 PM PTGetty
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are being encouraged to speak up on behalf of King Charles after he was named as one of the alleged "Royal racists" -- this per a new report.
The Telegraph cites two sources close to the Royal Family as calling on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to pipe up and defend Chuck amid these renewed claims of racism -- this, of course, after Piers Morgan took it upon himself to ID the King as one of the senior Royals allegedly named in a Dutch translation of a new book touching on the issue.
Play video content ROYAL REVEALThe other senior Royal who allegedly made remarks about Archie's skin color and who was named in the book, according to Piers, was Kate Middleton ... Prince William's wife.
Now, the context of what either of them allegedly said has yet to be revealed -- but it was apparently concerning enough for Meghan to bring it up in an interview with Oprah.
Play video content 3/7/21 CONCERNS ABOUT ARCHIE'S SKINRemember, Meghan was careful with how she characterized what was allegedly said ... and what the implication might be. But when Oprah asked if these alleged convos were, perhaps, suggesting that Archie being "brown" and too dark would "be a problem" ... Meghan said it was a safe assumption to make. So, she certainly appeared to cosign that narrative.
Of course, on top of airing her concerns to O, MM also wrote letters to Charles sometime after the fact about these alleged remarks ... a revelation that came to light in Omid Scobie's book, "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival."
HarperCollins CompositeIt was in this correspondence, according to Scobie, that the people who allegedly made comments about Archie's skin surfaced ... which then somehow leaked in the Netherlands. Those versions were yanked, and Scobie has insisted he doesn't know how the names even got in there in the first place ... claiming he never wrote them down in any draft.
Since 2021 -- when this alleged racism bombshell came to light -- Harry, specifically, has pushed back on what he and Meghan actually alleged about his family at the time. He told a British reporter earlier this year that the media had taken what they said and warped it into a racism accusation. Lately, he's been backpedaling ... merely suggesting implicit bias.
Harry why don’t you speak to your wife to get your lies to match up. Now 2 Royal racists from you claiming your family isn’t racist?#Endgame #OmidScobie
Does Prince Harry Think The Royals are Racist? via @YouTube
— LouLou LA -Flying the Flag for our British Royals (@LouLouLa10) November 25, 2023 @LouLouLa10Anyway, fast-forward to right now -- as Charles and Kate's names are being thrown around as alleged racists -- and the Telegraph quotes an insider as saying ... "For the couple that talked about ‘death by a thousand no comments’, the silence at this point is deafening."
Another source they quote says it's "interesting" that Harry and Meghan haven't said anything to either confirm or deny the reports of Charles and Kate being the ones who allegedly made these comments ... especially since they once sought the Palace's help when the 2 of them first got together, and Meg's name was getting dragged through the mud.
Meghan and Harry have famously suggested the Palace's silence at the time was done on purpose -- alleging a coordinated campaign was afoot and claiming the Royals have been in bed with the British press ... while hinting that Meg was offered up as the sacrificial lamb.
What's rich here ... apparently, Buckingham Palace and/or Chuck's inner circle now wants them to go to bat for him -- which is the ultimate irony ... this is, if you buy what Meg/Harry have been selling for a long time. Basically, fans of theirs see this as overdue revenge.
Gallery Harry And Meghan Together Launch Gallery GettyThe funniest part about all of this is that the whole "racism" storyline has long been dead in the water -- and Harry didn't even really harp on it during his press run for his own book.
Now, however, it's been reignited anew thanks to this Scobie fella ... and Piers, of course. Good grief, Charlie ... King of England.
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Meghan y Harry Son instados a pronunciarse en nombre de Carlos Ante denuncias de racismo
12/2/2023 12:02 PM PTGetty
Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry están siendo alentados a hablar en nombre del rey Carlos después de que fuera nombrado como uno de los presuntos "racistas" al interior de la realeza, de acuerdo a un nuevo informe.
El Telegraph cita dos fuentes cercanas a la Familia Real que le están pidiendo al Duque y la Duquesa de Sussex que hablen y defiendan a Carlos en medio de estas nuevas denuncias, desatadas luego de que Piers Morgan se encargara de identificar al Rey como uno de los supuestos miembros de la realeza que había sido nombrado en un nuevo libro que toca el tema, y que resulta estar traducido al holandés.
Play video content Revelaciones realesEl otro miembro de alto rango que supuestamente hizo comentarios sobre el color de piel de Archie y que fue nombrado en el libro, de acuerdo con Piers, es Kate Middleton, la esposa del príncipe Guillermo.
Ahora, el contexto de lo que cualquiera de ellos haya dicho en su momento aún no se ha revelado, pero al parecer fue lo suficientemente preocupante como para que Meghan sacara el tema en una entrevista con Oprah.
Play video content 3/7/21 Preocupaciones sobre la piel de ArchieRecuerden, Meghan fue cuidadosa en caracterizar lo que supuestamente se dijo, y cuál podría su implicación. Pero cuando Oprah le preguntó si estas supuestas conversaciones apuntaban a sugerir que Archie un color "marrón" o demasiado oscuro podría ser "un problema", Meghan dijo que era una suposición segura. Así que, ciertamente, parecía estar de acuerdo con esa narrativa.
Por supuesto, además de expresar sus preocupaciones a Oprah, Meghan también escribió cartas a Carlos algún tiempo después sobre estos supuestos comentarios, una revelación que salió a la luz en el libro de Omid Scobie, "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival".
HarperCollins CompositeFue en esta correspondencia, según Scobie, que se supo de las personas que supuestamente hicieron comentarios sobre la piel de Archie, la que luego se filtraron en los Países Bajos de alguna manera. Esas versiones fueron retiradas, y Scobie ha insistido en que ni siquiera sabe cómo los nombres llegaron allí en primer lugar, afirmando que nunca los escribió en ningún borrador.
Desde 2021, cuando salió a la luz esta bomba, Harry se ha retractado de lo que él y Meghan realmente alegaron sobre su familia en ese momento. A principios de este año le dijo a un reportero británico que los medios habían tomado sus palabras y las habían deformado en una acusación de racismo. Últimamente, ha dado marcha atrás, limitándose a sugerir un sesgo implícito.
Harry why don’t you speak to your wife to get your lies to match up. Now 2 Royal racists from you claiming your family isn’t racist?#Endgame #OmidScobie
Does Prince Harry Think The Royals are Racist? via @YouTube
— LouLou LA -Flying the Flag for our British Royals (@LouLouLa10) November 25, 2023 @LouLouLa10De todos modos, como los nombres de Carlos y Kate están siendo lanzados nuevamente como presuntos racistas, el Telegraph cita a una persona con información privilegiada que dice: "El silencio en este momento es ensordecedor".
Otra fuente que citan dice que es "interesante" que Harry y Meghan no hayan dicho nada para confirmar o negar los informes de que Carlos y Kate son los que supuestamente hicieron estos comentarios. Sobre todo, porque una vez solicitaron la ayuda del Palacio, cuando empezaron a salir por primera vez y el nombre de Meg estaba siendo arrastrado por el barro.
Meghan y Harry han sugerido que el silencio del Palacio en ese momento fue a propósito, alegando que estaba en marcha una campaña coordinada con la prensa británica y que Meg habría sido ofrecida como cordero de sacrificio.
Ahora, el Palacio de Buckingham o el círculo íntimo de Carlos quiere que vayan a pelear por él, lo que es una ironía si se creen lo que Meg y Harry han estado diciendo desde hace mucho tiempo sobre el Palacio. Básicamente, los fans de la pareja ven esto como una venganza atrasada.
Gallery Harry y Meghan juntos Launch Gallery GettyLa parte más divertida de todo esto es que toda la historia de "racismo" ha estado en punto muerto, y Harry ni siquiera ha insistido en ella durante sus ruedas de prensa para la promoción de su propio libro.
Ahora, sin embargo, se ha reavivado de nuevo gracias a este tipo Scobie y Piers, por supuesto. Santo cielo, Charlie ... Rey de Inglaterra.
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Meghan Markle 'No 1, sino 2 miembros de la realeza hablaron sobre el tono de piel de Archie'
11/24/2023 6:13 PM PTGetty Composite
Un nuevo conjunto de revelaciones están enfrentando a los Sussex contra el resto de la monarquía. Nuevas afirmaciones han surgido que dicen que Meghan Markle acusó a dos personas, y no una, de expresar preocupaciones por el color de piel de su hijo Archie.
Recuerden, en 2021, la ex estrella de "Suits" se sentó con Oprah y divulgó que un miembro de la familia real le hizo algunas preguntas sobre el tono de piel de su hijo, y ahora el experto real y animador personal de Meghan, Omid Scobie, dice que en realidad fue más de un perpetrador.
GettyEn un explosivo extracto de su próximo libro "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival", Omid dice que Meghan le escribió cartas privadas al rey Carlos a raíz de la bomba que soltó con Oprah, y en ellas nombró a dos miembros involucrados en las conversaciones.
Scobie añade en el libro, que sale el martes, que conoce la identidad de las dos personas, pero "las leyes en el Reino Unido le impiden informar quiénes eran".
Alexi LubomirskiThe Sun también confirma que los nombres de las personas no son revelados en el libro. Añaden que no está claro si la persona es un miembro directo de la familia real o si trabaja para ellos. De cualquier forma, es un integrante de la casa real.
En otros extractos del libro, se dice que Harry preguntó cortantemente a su padre Carlos: "¿No quieres ver a tus nietos?", utilizando a Archie y Lilibet como palanca en medio de su disputa sobre Frogmore Cottage en Windsor, que oficialmente desocuparon en junio de 2023.
GettyPero Scobie está instando a todos a leer su libro antes de emitir sus opiniones. Escribió en X que no se trata de Harry y Megs, sino sobre el estado actual de la monarquía británica.
Chris Allerton/SussexRoyalScobie también aclara que no está escribiendo como "amigo de Meg" y que los "Sussex no tienen nada que ver".
Con el libro "Spare" de Harry y un nuevo conjunto de bombas hacia fin de año, parece que las crisis al interior de la monarquía están lejos de terminar.
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11/24/2023 6:13 PM PTGetty Composite
A fresh set of royal revelations have pitted the Sussexes against the rest of the monarchy again ... with claims emerging that Meghan Markle accused two people instead of one of raising concerns over son Archie's skin color.
Remember ... back in 2021, the ex-"Suits" star sat down with Oprah ... divulging that a royal family member had some queries over her son's skin tone -- and now royal expert and Meghan's personal cheerleader Omid Scobie says there was actually more than one perpetrator.
GettyIn an explosive extract from his upcoming book "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival," Omid writes that Meghan penned private letters to King Charles in the wake of the Oprah bombshell ... naming the two household members involved in the conversations.
But Scobie is clutching onto his crown jewels ... adding in the book, releasing Tuesday, that he knows the identity of the two people, but "laws in the United Kingdom prevent me from reporting who they were."
Alexi LubomirskiThe Sun also confirms that the duo's names haven't been disclosed in the book ... adding that it's unclear if the person is a direct member of the royal family or works for "The Firm" ... either way, they're a member of the royal household.
In further extracts from the book, it's said that Harry cuttingly asked dad Charles, "Don't you want to see your grandchildren?" -- using Archie and Lilibet as leverage amid their dispute over Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, which they officially vacated in June 2023.
GettyBut Scobie's throwing down the gauntlet ... urging everyone to read his book thoroughly before airing their opinions ... writing on X that it's not about Harry and Megs -- instead about the current state of the British monarchy.
Chris Allerton/SussexRoyalScobie also clarifies he's not writing as "Meg's pal"... adding the "Sussexes have nothing to do with it."
But with Harry's book "Spare" hitting shelves in Jan ... and a new set of bombshells rounding out the year, it looks like the monarchy meltdowns are far from over.
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THOMAS MARKLE "MEGHAN Y HARRY SON CRUELES" No me dejan ver a mis nietos
9/18/2023 6:00 AM PT
El padre de Meghan Markle dice que su hija y su marido, el príncipe Harry, son directamente crueles por dejarlo fuera de la vida de sus nietos.
Thomas Markle dio a conocer sus quejas el lunes en "Good Morning Britain", diciendo a los anfitriones que está desconsolado porque su hija y su yerno le han negado el acceso a los 2 niños, Archie de 3 años y Lilibet de 2 años.
Thomas dijo: "Yo también estoy muy disgustado porque negarle el derecho a ver a su nieto es algo cruel para hacerle a un abuelo".
El hombre de 79 años dijo: "Además no he hecho nada malo. No hay nada que apunte a decir que soy un mal tipo. Soy un padre muy cariñoso y ella lo sabe, y no hay excusa para tratarme así ... no hay excusa para tratar así a los abuelos".
Markle señaló que hay una ley en California que permite a los abuelos obtener una orden judicial que obligue a los padres a dejarles visitar a sus nietos, pero dice que no seguirá ese camino, al menos por ahora.
Como informamos, la ruptura entre Meghan y su padre estalló en 2018 durante el período previo a la boda real, cuando Thomas hizo tratos con los paparazzi.
Gallery harry y megan juntos Launch Gallery GettyThomas dice que él y el rey Carlos tienen la misma difícil situación, ambos no pueden ver a sus nietos, aunque no está claro si la puerta está cerrada con Charles.
Y cree que Harry sólo está siguiendo el ejemplo de Meghan. No parece que el hielo se esté descongelando, ni siquiera un poco.
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Thomas Markle Meghan and Harry are 'Cruel' ... They Won't Let Me See My Grandkids
9/18/2023 6:36 AM PTGetty/Backgrid
Meghan Markle's dad says his daughter and her hubby, Prince Harry, are straight-up cruel for shutting him out of his grandchildren's lives.
Thomas Markle aired his grievances Monday on "Good Morning Britain," telling the hosts he's heartbroken his daughter and son-in-law have denied him access to the 2 kids, 3-year-old Archie and 2-year-old Lilibet.
Alexi LubomirskiThomas said, "I’m very upset about it as well because this is a cruel thing to do to a grandparent ... to deny the right to see their grandchild."
GettyThe 79-year-old groused, "The other thing is I’ve done nothing wrong. There’s nothing that points to say I’m a bad guy. I’m a really loving father and she knows that, and there’s no excuse for treating me this way ... no excuse to treat grandparents that way."
Misan HarrimanMarkle noted there's a law in California that allows grandparents to get a court order forcing parents to let them visit with their grandkids, but he says he won't go down that road ... at least for now.
As we reported, the rift between Meghan and her dad erupted in 2018, during the run-up to the royal wedding, when Thomas made deals with the paparazzi.
Gallery Harry And Meghan Together Launch Gallery GettyThomas says he and King Charles have the same plight ... both are not able to see their grandkids, although it's unclear if the door is shut with Charles.
And, he thinks Harry is just following Meghan's lead. It does not look like the ice is thawing ... even a little bit.
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Prince Harry Happy 4th ... Celebrates Revolutionary War in Montecito
7/6/2023 6:49 AM PTBackgrid
If it wasn't clear before, there's certainly no doubt as to which country Prince Harry's allegiance is with ... celebrating America's Independence from his homeland on it's most patriotic holiday.
BackgridHarry was spotted holding his daughter, Princess Lilibet, and taking in Montecito's Independence Day parade Tuesday. Harry refrained from dawning any American flag gear, but Lilibet wore a blue dress, white socks and some red shoes ... she's half-American, thanks to mom.
GettyThe timing is interesting considering Harry's dad, King Charles III, attended his second coronation ceremony in Edinburgh. Harry's brother, Prince William, was right by his dad's side during the coronation ... but obviously, Harry was stateside.
No sign of Meghan during the July 4 festivities, but you gotta imagine the foursome -- including Archie -- did something as a family. They've set up home base in Montecito and have a network of some super famous friends ... including Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres.
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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle We Want Privacy From Paparazzi ... Oh Really?
5/20/2023 6:45 AM PTGetty
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle say all they want is their privacy, but they reportedly chose to have photogs snap their photos before the now infamous "chase" in NYC.
Sources tell the NY Post ... Harry and Meghan elected to stroll out in front of a throng of shutterbugs to get their pictures taken after they attended Tuesday night's awards ceremony at the Ziegfeld Theater in Manhattan.
GettyThe Post noted the couple made the decision despite having one of Barack Obama's former secret service agents on their security team. Chris Sanchez is the security dude's name and he's known as the “king of the back exits” ... because he's so good at keeping celebs under the paparazzi's radar.
GettyAfter getting their fill of the cameras, Harry and Meghan jumped inside a waiting SUV with Sanchez and took off.
The Post quotes a source as saying, “Harry and Meghan were willing to give everyone those shots when they left the event, that was not the problem, but they were tailed from that point on."
GettyTheir rep, Ashley Hansen, gushed over the photos, telling the New York Times, “They were some of the most beautiful images of the evening."
This is just the latest example of Harry and Meghan wanting it both ways ... soaking up the limelight while demanding privacy ... at least that's the rap.
Play video content 5/16/23 SHADES OF THE PASTFollowing their photo op outside the Ziegfeld, we all know what happened then ... the paparazzi pursued Harry and Meghan through the streets of Manhattan in what the couple called a "near catastrophic car chase."
Play video content TMZ INVESTIGATESBut the NYPD said there were no accidents or injuries during the pursuit, which lasted between 20 minutes and two hours depending on who you talk to. Police sources accused the couple of embellishing their story.
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Harry & Meghan Kids Officially Recognized As Prince, Princess
3/8/2023 10:02 AM PTMisan Harriman/Alexi Lubomirski/Getty Composite
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's kids' Royal titles have been up in the air for months, but the Sussexes have now made their heart's desire clear -- they want their kids to be recognized as tied to the throne, which King Charles is now officially honoring.
H and M revealed Wednesday they christened their daughter, Lilibet, last week here in California ... during an intimate, private ceremony in Montecito. In the announcement, the couple noted Lilibet was blessed, and will henceforth be known, as "Princess Lilibet" -- a new update to how she's been referred to, publicly, up until now.
Misan HarrimanThe young princess was christened by Rev. John Taylor, the Archbishop of Los Angeles as revealed by People Mag. Another interesting nugget ... apparently, Charles, Camilla, William and Kate were invited, but did not attend.
It's unclear when the invite was extended, but it was sent.
Alexi LubomirskiIn light of Meghan and Harry now using their daughter's birthright title -- something she was legally afforded when Charles ascended to the throne -- Buckingham Palace has responded ... and says its website will also be updated with those titles for Lilibet and Archie.
While Harry and Meghan haven't said anything about their son, specifically, it seems BP is taking this move as clear evidence they want both their kids to enjoy their Royal titles ... so instead of calling them Master Archie and Miss Lilibet, they're now Prince/Princess, officially.
Gallery Meghan Markle's Family Photos Launch Gallery GettyCharles hadn't said much about the titles -- there were reports he was eager to slim down the number of titles and to keep them inside the family (the working family, it seems) ... and that he was supposedly considering stripping Archie and Lilibet of their status. But, he never did it.
Gallery The Royal Family Launch Gallery GettyIn fact, one could argue Charles has been playing things by ear as Harry and Meg have rolled out project after project -- culminating with him inviting them to his coronation, despite them bashing him and the institution. In response, they've played their own hand.
Looks like the Royals are trying to play nice ... at least from the outside looking in.
For more royal drama, tune into our podcast "Spilling Royal Tea," dropping every Thursday wherever you get your podcasts.
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Harry & Meghan Royal Family Could Collapse ... Unless 'Dark Skin' Comments Are Explained
9/10/2022 1:00 AM PTGetty
There's a massive cloud hanging over The Royal Family regarding the "dark skin" comment that was allegedly made about Harry and Meghan's son Archie, and if it's not addressed soon, it could spell the beginning of the end of the monarchy ... according to a royal expert.
Play video content 3/7/21 CONCERNS ABOUT ARCHIE'S SKINAs you know, it remains a mystery who within the family raised concerns about how dark Archie's skin would be when Meghan Markle was pregnant -- a stunning revelation she made in an interview with Oprah. Most experts say the likely suspects are Charles, Camilla or William.
Play video content THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO KNOWRoyal expert Kinsey Schofield tells us she believes unless the issue is ironed out privately and also explained to the public, it could cause folks to push away from the Royals.
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Schofield says supporters really started to question the morals of King Charles, Prince William and Queen Consort Camilla after Meghan made the allegation. Schofield says disappointment in The Royals still looms, but could be lessened with a proper explanation.
Play video content LOVE FROM THE KINGIn order for things to turn around, Schofield believes people need to know exactly who made the comment, how it was said, and if it was done with malicious intent.
Gallery Harry and Meghan -- Living The Royal Life Launch Gallery GettyOf course, if it turns out there truly was racist intention behind the comment, things will go bad quickly ... but Schofield believes the only way for The Royal Family to continue on without issue is for the comment to be aired out once and for all.
Play video content 9/9/22 ADDRESSING THE WORLDInterestingly, King Charles sent his love to both Harry and Meghan when he addressed the nation Friday ... especially since the relationship has been so strained for so long.
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Queen Elizabeth No Pics Allowed When Meeting Lilibet ... U.K. Report Claims
6/7/2022 6:55 AM PTGetty/MISAN HARRIMAN
Queen Elizabeth met her great-granddaughter for the first time over the weekend, but don't expect to see QE on any pages of Lilibet's baby book ... because she reportedly banned photos from being taken of the introduction.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's daughter, Lilibet, celebrated her first birthday -- which so happened to fall on the same weekend as the Queen's Platinum Jubilee -- but The Sun reports the Queen denied Harry and Meghan a photographer to capture the moment.
Gallery The Royal Celebration Launch Gallery GettyThe report states Harry and Meghan were informed the intro would only be a private family meeting -- and there was a worry if photos were taken, they'd be passed around in America.
There was certainly a lot of tension between Harry and his family through the weekend as evidenced early on -- the photo above shows Prince William and Harry on opposite sides of the church during the National Service of Thanksgiving.
Shutterstock PremierHarry and Meghan didn't stick around for the celebration's closing, either ... the Sussexes and their 2 children flew private from London to Cali. Of course, if they stayed, it's unlikely they'd have been allowed to stand beside the Queen when she appeared Sunday on her Buckingham Palace balcony.
We've reached out to Harry and Meghan's reps for comment ... so far, no word back.
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Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Baby Lilibet's 1st Bday Bash ... Seen in New Photos
6/6/2022 3:35 PM PTMisan Harriman
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's daughter is ringing in her first year with a very eventful week ... and now we're getting a look at exactly how Lilibet got her party on in the UK!
Harry and Meghan invited close family and friends to a casual, but intimate, backyard picnic in Windsor to celebrate Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor's very first birthday ... which was Saturday, June 4, smack in the middle of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
This is our first close-up look at the baby, and these shots -- captured by photographer Misan Harriman -- show she was all smiles for the festivities.
It was such a privilege to celebrate the 1st birthday of Lilibet with my family and hers! Joy and face painting all around ❤️🎂🎉
— Misan Harriman (@misanharriman) June 6, 2022 @misanharrimanPrince Harry and Meghan were amazed to learn people around the world made donations amounting to more than $100K to the World Central Kitchen in Lilibet's honor.
As we've reported, Lilibet met her great-grandma, Queen Elizabeth, for the first time ever during the Jubilee celebrations. Of course, the intro came amid high tensions between Prince Harry, Meghan and their estranged royal family.
They weren't seen publicly after Friday's church service, and flew back early Sunday before the end of the Jubilee celebrations. Luckily, Lilibet's too little to get into all that mess and seems pretty damn chipper about turning 1.
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Queen Elizabeth Meets Great-Granddaughter Lilibet For First Time!!! But, Royal Rift Still Evident
6/3/2022 7:19 AM PTGetty/Alexi Lubomirski Composite
Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee celebrations seem to be a real family affair, with a bonus ... Her Majesty was finally introduced to her great-granddaughter, Lilibet.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle presented the Queen her namesake during a private lunch. Other royals were present. We don't know if Harry's brother, William was at the lunch, nor do we know if his dad, Charles, was present.
There are reports William and Kate will NOT be present Saturday for Lilibet's first birthday party. As you know, there's bad blood between Harry, his dad and his brother for various reasons, not the least of which Harry and Meghan have insinuated one of them made racist comments about Archie.
There are clear, visual signs of a rift between William and Harry. Check out this photo at the National Service of Thanksgiving, taken Friday. They are sitting on complete opposite sides of the church.
GettyMeghan and Harry took a backseat during the traditional balcony wave ... the Palace made it clear ... balcony presence was for "working senior royals."
Gallery Prince Harry and Meghan Attend Queen's Platinum Jubilee Launch Gallery Goff PhotosHarry, Meghan and the kids are getting the security they demanded ... they're being protected by armed police.
GettyIt seems the Jubilee is turning out to be a warm family celebration after all ... at least, between the Queen and her great-granddaughter, Lili.
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Prince Charles Reportedly Wants to Deny Archie 'Prince' Title
6/20/2021 6:36 AM PTGetty
Prince Charles has reportedly drawn a line in the sand in the brewing war between him and Prince Harry ... by allegedly refusing to make his grandson, Archie, a prince once Charles ascends to the throne.
The son of Harry and Meghan Markle is now 7th in line to the throne, but according to the Daily Mail, the inside word is Charles wants to limit the number of critical royals, partly because it's an expensive proposition and the public wants a more streamlined monarchy.
Chris Allerton/SussexRoyalDaily Mail notes members with titles such as Prince or Princess are entitled to financial support and security ... all paid for by commoners. As you know, Harry and Meghan have said publicly Buckingham Palace already refused to pay for Archie's security.
GettyAlthough this sounds on the surface like a belt-tightening move, there's way more to the story.
As we reported, the Royals are angry at Harry and Meghan for torching them ... even accusing them of racism. Although they didn't say who made the comments about Archie's skin color, the finger seems pointed at either Charles or William, both of whom are reportedly estranged from Harry and Meghan.
BTW ... the tension isn't limited to Archie. Prince Andrew has apparently been complaining about the perks his daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, will receive.
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